Box of Surprise consists of special offers tailored for you! These offers are refreshed periodically and will be displayed exclusively on the MyDigi app.
Raja Kombo Support
No, even new subscribers to Digi will get special offers in their Box of Surprise.
No, offers are refreshed from time to time. Therefore, customers are encouraged to check it out frequently to enjoy the latest deal. You may also receive notifications when offers are refreshed, so you never miss out on any deals.
Each offer is personalized to individual subscribers based on factors such as spending & usage patterns.
Yes, you may purchase offers within your Box of Surprise as many times as you wish. However, there may be times where you receive a special free offer, which may have a cap to the number of redemptions that will apply.
No, Box of Surprise can be accessed only via the MyDigi app.
This Internet offer applies to Digi Prepaid Raja Kombo subscribers. However, Digi Prepaid Raja Kombo subscribers who have opted out from receiving marketing communications from Digi are not eligible for this campaign.